
Showing posts from August, 2023

Thursday, August 31, 2023

 Today we began our day with Jesus Time. We are continuing to talk about why we need a Savior, and who the most important Savior is (Jesus). We got to enjoy God's beautiful creation today when we went outside. We enjoyed swinging and playing tag. For small group today we mapped out our vehicle project. We have so many questions and ideas, that we can't wait to explore and learn about. We enjoyed some free choice time as well.

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

 Today we began our day with chapel. We learned about the ways Jesus helps us find the pieces in the puzzle of life. One of our friends got to help put a puzzle together which had a cross in the middle. After chapel we went outside and enjoyed the fresh air. We loved seeing some of our friends from last year.  We took a quick walk around outside to go back to our classroom. On our walk we saw Miss Jackie. We loved giving her hugs.  On our walk back to the classroom, we saw a cat. We enjoyed watching it. It even began to follow us at one point.  For small group today, we learned all about why it is important to wash our hands. We did the soap and pepper experiment. Friends were shocked to see the "germs," move away from the soap.