
Showing posts from November, 2023

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

Today we began with Jesus Time. We are continuing to learn about the birth of Jesus, and how important His birth is in our lives as Christians. We finally got to enjoy some beautiful sunshine today. We had so much fun being out on the playground this morning. To warm up a bit, we did spend around 5 minutes in the gym dancing and running around.  We have been gradually setting up our Christmas tree in our classroom. Today we put the ornaments on our tree.

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

 Today we began with chapel. We got to sit with our chapel buddies and learn about how Jesus washes our sins away. We had two friends get recognized today in chapel. On friend had a baptismal birthday, and our friend was recognized for sharing God's Love with others. Way to go T and B. After chapel we enjoyed time in the gym. We had a lot of fun with Mrs. Helmkamp's class. In small group we focused on Jesus being born for us. We journaled in our notebooks what we felt the manger scene would have looked like in real life. We had some amazing interpretations.

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

 Today we began with Jesus Time. We continued to talk about Jesus's Birth and why Jesus born for us. We enjoyed time in the gym this morning as it was once again too cold to go outside. For small group we switched groups and did our next rotations. We are doing so well with our letter recognition. We also enjoyed time in the library today.