
Showing posts from February, 2024

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

 Happy Leap Day! We enjoyed hunting for frogs in our classroom this morning.  We enjoyed some outside time this morning, even though it was cold. We had a special visitor come into our classroom. We got to have Mrs. Mattick's dog Cheerio stop by for a visit. We heard a story all about Leap Day today. We also learned the story of why we have a Leap Day. We also colored a special Leap Day coloring page today.

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

 This morning we began our day with chapel. We learned about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and how even though he was scared and hard to wait for what was to come, He had patience just like we need to have. One of our friends got recognized for sharing God's love. Way to go Bobby! In small group today we enjoyed doing. fine motor rotations. We also enjoyed time in the gym with Mrs. Ericcson's friends.

Monday, February 26th, 2024

 This morning, we began our day with Jesus Time. We are reviewing our Bible stories from the past three weeks, as well as our Biblical Truth Jesus Loves Sinners. We enjoyed some beautiful sunshine this morning when we went outside. During small group we had three different rotations. One worked with recognizing and writing numbers, one worked on forming letters with playdough, and our last group worked on puzzles. We also enjoyed free choice time this morning.