
Showing posts from March, 2024

Friday, March 29th, 2024

 Today we began with Good Friday Chapel. We reflected on the love that Jesus shows us each and every day, but especially as we honor what Jesus did on the cross for us.   During small group we focused on how Jesus gives us new life through His death. We painted crosses and planted grass seed to help us remember that Jesus gives us new life.     We had so much fun outside this morning.

Thursday, March 28th, 2024

This morning we began with practicing for our song that we will sing in church. We are singing beautifully.  We enjoyed time with our book buddies this morning. We had some free choice time this morning, We went outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. We reviewed our vet visit from earlier this week and documented what we learned. During Jesus Time today we reviewed the Resurrection eggs, and the story of Jesus' journey to the cross.

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

 Today we continued to talk about the events leading up to Easter. Today we reviewed Jesus washing the disciple's feet. We also talked about how Jesus washed away our sins, which is similar to how He washed the disciple's feet. We enjoyed time on the hill this morning. It was a bit chilly, so we spent the last bit of time in the gym to warm up. During small group we talked about stained glass. We discussed the different things that can be shown like Bible stories, birds, pictures, and so many other things.  We made our own watercolor stained pictures today using paint and tape. We made some beautiful pictures.