Thursday, September 28th, 2023

 Today in Jesus Time we continued to talk about Abraham and Sarah. We continued to learn that God always keeps his promises.

We enjoyed free choice time. 

During free choice time we discovered a new provocation. This provocation is entitled can you make a baby. Just as we are learning about Abraham and Sarah having baby Isaac, students can explore and create on their own.

Provocations are experiences I set-up in response to children’s interests and ideas. When I set up a provocation, I am providing hands-on exploration for children to practice, test, construct and deconstruct their ideas and theories.

I set up a provocation and listen.  I engage in the children's thinking.  It is my thread to lead us onward.

provocation will PROVOKE thinking! 

Focus and attention are the keys to developing strong pathways in the brain. Powerful provocations give children opportunities to attend to the world of ideas and concepts with incredible focus and attention.

We enjoyed time in the gym with Mrs. Ericsson's class.

For small group today we worked on our portfolios, and our car garages.


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