Thursday, December 21st, 2023

 Today we began with Jesus Time once again. Today we reviewed the Wisemen's visit to King Herod and Jesus. We talked about the differences between a good King like Jesus, and a bad king like Herod. We also talked about the importance of the star in the sky above where Jesus was.

We enjoyed time in the gym with Mrs. Ericsson's class again. We have so much fun with her friends.

For small group we made our own stars, just like the star that was above Jesus. We colored and cut out our stars.

At the end of our day we began to watch the movie, "The Star." This movie tells the story of Jesus's Birth in a fun and interesting way. It follows a donkey who wants to break free from his job at the village mill, crushing up grain to make flour. He breaks free and eventually through some twists and turns, becomes an integral part of the most important Christmas; The First Christmas.


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