Friday, January 26th, 2023

 Today we began with Jesus Time. We continued talking about Jesus calming the storm, and how he helps us when we are in a storm. 

We got to have book buddies this morning. We love our buddies.

Today during small group we worked on a very special project for our sub Miss Ellery. She has helped out our class so much.

We also had our first show and tell today. We had our friend Bayleigh show us her Little Mermaid backpack. We loved learning about her backpack and all of the fun things she had inside.

During small group today we read a true story about a baby rhino named Somia. She was taken in by a vet to assure she had the best life possible. We learned all about the special things vets do for non domestic animals.

We also enjoyed time in the gym today with Mrs. Ericsson's friends.


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